

英漢字典: pass through

pass through   (TTS發音)

1. experience 經歷;經過

    The country is passing through an economic crisis. 這個國家正在經歷一場經濟危機。

    This soldier passed through many dangers. 這個士兵經歷了許多危險。

2. travel through經過

    I passed through a picturesque village on my way here. 在來這裡的路上,我經過一個風景如畫的鄉村。

    He passed through the doorway and entered the room. 他穿過門口進入室內。

3. complete a course of training at 在…學完訓練課程

    He passed through a university course in Beijing. 他在北京修完了大學的課程。

    After passing through college,he was assgned to work in a big factory. 大學畢業後,他被分配到一家大工廠工作。

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